International Tourism Expo 2015 and Kah Tequila
"KAH Day of the Dead Tequila" var den 20.Feb. 2015, med på "International Tourism Expo 2015"
Students from the AP program at Cphbusiness Nørrebro are requested to participate in a joint project.The group representing Mexico consists of 6 students from Copenhagen Business Academy, Nørrebro.
The goal of this activity is to enlighten more people on the different countries of the Expo in order to attract more tourists.
Thus, the activity may reflect on both existing and new thinking of how to present the countries in the best way.
In other words: be creative so you catch the attention of the visitors.
Tequilaclub Danmark var den glade sponsor og det var der KAH Day of the Dead Tequila, kom ind i billedet.
KAH Blanco trak en masse gæster til Mexico standen.
Vi ønsker at alle får gode oplevelser med Tequila 100% Agave, håber vi mødes over et glas – Tequila Jack.